Author : Sanjiv Navalkar
The technological approach allows for quick solutions that are need in dynamic environments. A little research has been conducted on the “dark side” of technologically approach to performance management which is a more conceptual. It provides two way approaches – performance management can occur at a more macro level and consider the allocation of labour to project or jobs and the other one at a more micro level involve performance measurement and development of individual or team performance.
Technology aided macro performance management tends to result in content that is made up of physical characteristics rather than psychological or social components. Allocating labour to the various part of production or service function conveys to employees that they are just another component of the process. The labours are viewed as units which can be shifted as needed. The human resource seen as set of quantities – How many? What kind? What types and level of skills? But there physical concerns, such as how the workers may get along together, whether they will physiologically engaged and where they will be committed to each other and to the project may be important issues. These psychological and social factor are ignore with technology can pay a critical role in determining bottom-line issues such as quality, productivity and profits.
Managing performance at an individual or team level is important and the content is more critical. Technology can easily measure the average number of keystrokes per hour, the average duration of phone interactions and so on, it should not be done just as these measures are available or easily obtained. Is technology measuring the speed or quality of customer service provided by the individual or group? Which is vital for a service oriented organization where priority is given to customer satisfaction.
In performance management feedback plays a critical role. If electronic media which gives immediately feedback which the evaluator is not in a position to explain the worker why the software generated certain conclusions and recommendations this creates a negative impact on the labour. The management would think that the purpose of performance management is primarily to improve performance, worker may thing otherwise. The dark side of technology will help divide managers from workers and create a diluted environment.
The dark side indeed is there Sanjiv and you have really explained it v well by giving examples of technology @ home and on road and I truly appreciate that "technology raises the performance standards" by your example which quotes "DIRTY SINKS ARE NO MORE ACCEPTABLE SINCE THE ENTRY OF DISHWASHER " :)
ReplyDeleteDefinitely according to our requirements the customization should take place and also there are human aspects which anyways can not be controlled by technology! With all + AND -, the continuous incremental improvement of the technology and antiquating, if not proven upto the desired outcomes, can be the approach I feel !
Thanks to share!
Nice read, technology advancements have changed the way of acceptable standards of performance.
Thanks for choosing this topic Sanjiv and let me appreciate the way have explained it in short.
ReplyDeleteObjective Performance Assessment has been always question mark and HR has the important role in streamlining it. Agree that Technology to great extent can help us achieve faster and accurate results in performance but only at physical monitoring tasks. Cognitive, intellectuals of individuals, decision making process are some of the performance indicators which technology would have limitations in measuring.
For example: if HR manager wants to improve performance of people then system/technology can’t produce all the required variables for HR to take decision on what the exact parameters that need to be addressed. I mean if P=A+M+E, then computer based performance assessment can only address “A” and not rest. This will be always the “Dark Side of Technology in Performance Management”
I feel Feedback plays an important role in performance review, without feedback there would be no course of future action. This is the shortcoming of using an online/automated performance management, however sadly, lot of organizations must find it convenient to use similar systems.. :(
Very well written Sanjiv sir.... While reading, it was very easy for me to understand the concept..
ReplyDeleteYes, As said by Abhinav Feedback is very important while measuring the performance. Somehow there will be an distance between the worker and evaluator and technology can act as an third party between them.
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