Wednesday 21 March 2012

Changing the face of HR...

Author: Leean Mendes

When I first heard the word E-HRM, I immediately knew that it meant HR executed over the electronic world... and i was right.... According to Wikipedia, 'E-HRM is the (planning, implementation and) application of information technology for both networking and supporting at least two individual or collective actors in their shared performing of HR activities.' So that was obvious.. but then the question came into my mind.... is e-HRM really that useful?? I mean.. Can e-HRM really be as good as a HR executive with the human touch.. Or can it be even better??
In order to answer this, I had to first know in detail what e-HRM really does.. E-HRM performs a multitude of functions right from recruitment to employee evaluation and letting people go. Today there are softwares available which can actually be used to input the performance of employees and calculate their probable output. E-HRM also makes calculations more easy by calculating the payrolls of employees. Today the entire HR department of over a ten men work force can be compressed into a single computer operated by a single individual who may not even be a HR professional... This was quiet an alarming aspect for me...  This is why..
What if a MNC has a network failure or a computer crash?? who will do the job of the HR department?? Does the computer and software such as zapper, second life and the like actually do an efficient job and are they reliable??

In this blog I have chosen the usefulness of two HR functions, namely, the recruitment function and the performance management function,,,
Firstly, the recruitment function... As everyone knows that recruitment is a delicate process.. Not only for the company but also for the individual... Choosing the right person helps the company to grow but choosing an noncompetitive person will result in a waste of the company's resources... on the other hand, from the point of view of the individual it is delicate in the sense that in case the individual is not recruited it should be communicated in a delicate fashion to avoid ill feelings...
We all know the traditional form of recruitment where an interview or series of interviews were held and the results were communicated through e-mail or other forms of communication... This process was not only time consuming but also expensive in the sense of hiring professional recruiters for the various series of recruitment... What e-HRM does is take all these factors in mind and digitizes it into 1s and 0s... It gives questionnaires and even life like examples or videos to candidates to answer and marks them immediately... The only expense in this system is setting up of this system and questionnaires which is fairly expensive but extremely cheap in the long run and only a few changes need to be done in the long run... The real advantage of this system which I felt was that this system did not have to be purely digitized... Softwares like 'second life' and 'onverse' helps candidates and HR executives communicate on a virtual level giving the candidate the privacy and comfort of his/her own environment and also the ease for the HR executive to say freely what has to be said without the barrier of face to face embarrassment. However, this may be helpful for one of the interview rounds but cannot be used as the sole process of recruitment as personal and social relations also play a crucial role and not only expertise in that particular field...
Overall I would say that the function of recruitment of e-HRM is very useful as it not only reduces costs but also encourages a wider range of individuals to apply for a post, irrespective of region, area, sex or any other socio-economic barrier... It also helps the candidates and recruiters to be more free and comfortable while answering and evaluating... It is also highly time efficient and saves a lot of resources other than time and money such as energy, traveling and even the feeling of being away from home can be overcome. 
The second function of e-HRM i.e. Performance management as seen in HR softwares such as 'adrenalin', 'zapper' or 'employwise' help in performance management... But what is performance management?? 'Performance management (PM) includes activities that ensure that goals are consistently being met in an effective and efficient manner. Performance management can focus on the performance of an organization, a department, employee, or even the processes to build a product or service, as well as many other areas.'
When i read that e-HRM can be used in performance management I taught it was impossible.. How can a software judge an employee which is subjective?? But surprisingly I was wrong.... E-HRM in fact is a very convenient way of  measuring performance and assisting in performance management... How?? Its quiet simple actually... Special softwares are designed depending on the business... A record of each individual is maintained in which a person, who needs no HR background, just needs to input the data and amount of output along with punctuality and other factors and a report is provided using calculations on how much benefit compared to other employees is that employee in the firm giving... The HR department then just decides on his/her efficiency whether the employee is a liability or an asset.... I was surprised that such efficient systems were available... 
These systems reduce man power and are highly economical in the long run.. In performance management these softwares also provide the areas where the employee can improve and their strong points... 

Overall I feel that e-HRM is a leap for the HR world and can bring about a revolution in HR.. However it may result in a large number of employees loosing their jobs specially in the HR departments but for the company as a whole it helps in saving time, energy and a huge economic benefit... Also the HR department's job has been changed from detailed scrutinizing of candidates and employees to data analyzers of these e-HRM software... :-)

P.S:- The video embedded shows how the HR software 'Avanti" helps the HR department... Just as an example.. ;-)


  1. Very nicely covered two very vast sections of e-HR by Leean ! As you rightly said the technology can actually come to the rescue of HR professionals upto a great extent! Managers can afford to be away from data entry and other administrative work and can better focus on one-on-one communication with their subordinates. A lot of repetitive work gets done more efficiently and lot of time and future cost can be saved.
    Thanks to share!


    1. thank you Surabhi... You are right, as the only cost involved is the cost of setting up the system and after that it is fairly cheap to maintain... And is of a great advantage to the HR world.

  2. Love you Leean !
    You were pro active in posting the blog. And its very well written !!


    1. thank you rashmi... you seemed to be in a good mood while commenting... You were in a pro active mood.. :-D

  3. Hey Leean, I'm quite at a loss of words as to what my overall reaction to your blog is..! Its like a beautiful imaginary world of e-HRM has been created by you for us to enjoy and fantasize about but the reality really really hurts (read my blog)...I just wish things were as well-organized and run in an orderly fashion in my company also (I really can't speak for the rest) least I can hope for it to be that way in a decade or so..!!

    Lets all pray..


    1. You are right in saying that e-HRM is not as successful in India as it is abroad... A very well managed system is required for the smooth functioning of e-HRM... Sadly, India (like your company) was not well equipped to handle this situation.. My blog talks about how e-HRM should function and how it should ASSIST the HR department in doing their work well... lets hope that Indian companies also come up to that mark...

  4. Leean, nicely portrayed thoughts and advantages on ehrm. I liked the flow and content in the blog. Certainly the advanced tools that you have described and not widely used in India, there is a scope for it. But, how much ever the technology advances; there still be a need and job for HR professionals. Only the job content and methodology will change. Technology cannot substitute human thinking and emotion. Because technology i not dealing with its kind.... robots. We are humans :)


    1. True.. Guess I did not mention about HR professionals being required in spite of e-HRM... but you are right.. as I have mentioned on Rashmi's blog comments that human touch provides a significant advantage in dealing with people... So I agree with you.. :-)

  5. Wow Leean, You explained your thoughts in a very nice manner and understandable. And a very good flow of lines and everything.
    e-HRM is the future of human resources in organizations.
    With time, more and more companies will start making use of available web-based personnel management. It is a very up-to-date topic, especially for multinational corporations.I just have one doubt that is multinational corporations that implemented e-HRM tools are satisfied with the changes it has brought to their work?
    I feel that Still its being a relatively new development, e-HRM is evolving and will be growing in the coming years.
    I just read this sentence somewhere that " it is an exciting time to be in HRM" :)
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts.....

    1. Just think of e-HRM as a cell phone.. Now cell phones does make our job easier instead of going all the way to a land line or a pay phone.. Now to answer your question.. Just as technology has helped all of us.. in the same way e-HRM has greatly helped the HR world especially in MNCs as it has reduced the tedious task of calculating with formulas manually when e-HRM can calculate in seconds.. It also reduces the task of writing and keeping files and saves data in an orderly fashion... also it makes data collection faster and easier.. Managers do not need to manually input data, the computers automatically do that for them... So definitely e-HRM has helped MNCs greatly... even in practice if the records are checked..

      and you are right by saying 'it is an exciting time to be in HR' :-)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

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